Have you been more tired lately?

Have you been more tired lately?

The Importance of Melatonin and the Circadian Rhythm

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland in our brain and then released into our bloodstream. Dark environments prompt the pineal gland to produce melatonin while light environments cause the production to stop. This helps regulate our circadian rhythm, synchronizing our sleep-wake cycle. This means melatonin plays a huge role in facilitating our transition to sleep and promotes consistent, quality rest.

The circadian rhythm helps harmonize mental and physical systems throughout our body. This includes the proper function of our digestive system as well as the endocrine system that “uses hormones to control and coordinate your body's metabolism, energy level, reproduction, growth and development, and response to injury, stress, and mood.” (John Hopkins Medicine).

We may not have complete control over our circadian rhythm but many lifestyle choices can make an impact. It’s important to understand that many day to day tasks, traveling, irregular sleep schedules, and even lack of sun can upset it.

We may not have complete control over our circadian rhythm but many lifestyle choices can make an impact. It’s important to understand that many day to day tasks, traveling, irregular sleep schedules, and even lack of sun can upset it.

This is why Melatonin is so important. Without enough, our Circadian Rhythm may be disrupted.

So have you noticed yourself being tired?

It may be time for Melatonin and focusing on your quality of rest.

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